The Monthly World Forecast is a detailed look at every calendar month. Like the Yearly World Forecast, it is collective, not individual. It is not about you, but it helps you to know the lay of the land, to look ahead as you go into the unknown.
Each monthly overview is based upon a psychological and philosophical interpretation of the heliocentric sidereal planetary transits and configurations during the month. The interpreter is myself, Robert, a student of this lore since 1970. The forecast is presented as a binaural stereo audio mp3 file of variable duration, between 20 and 50 minutes in length, for your listening at leisure.
In this study, you will understand the particular, up-close feeling or nature of the month, along with a detailed chronology. The general tone attempts to be holistic, so that each energy-gestalt naturally includes its own best solution or strategy. The Yearly World Forecast will outline the overview.
Forecasts for the coming months are listed below.
Copyright StarCenter, Robert Tkoch 1996-. All rights reserved. Previous iterations of StarCenter by Robert Tkoch were: 1973 Galactic Embassy; 1976 Uranus Rising; 1982 Astrologos; 1991 Astrology by Robert Tkoch; 1996 StarCenter. These were all the same basic thing.