If you have already ordered a natal reading, your chart will be on file, and you may order the Relationship reading.

If you have not yet ordered a natal reading, you may do so here.

The Relationship analysis can address any conceivable relationship between you and someone else. Whoever you feel to be a "vital other" is a candidate for this study. You only need to know the person's birthdate, or full birthdata if possible. But the date alone will give accurate results.

The reading is based upon a philosophical, psychological, and intuitive comparison of your heliocentric chart of conception and the other person's chart within the field of your interest. Even though the analysis is technical, the reading is spoken in a direct and simple manner, helpful on whatever level is needed.

Some of my clients order the 30-minute Relationship reading, to quickly clarify the relationship of the moment. Others order the 60-minute version when the partnership is more vital, long-ranging, complex or profound.

In general, the telephone or mono readings are available within three days of your order. If the issue is urgent, feel free to call me directly at (USA) 650-390-3370 at any time, and we'll try to set something up right away.